Bondex Asbestos Trust Fund

Bondex International, Inc. was one of many companies that injured workers by using asbestos until the late 20th century. Bondex products were typically used for construction, so the employees manufacturing them were at risk of exposure to asbestos, but so were thousands of construction workers using the products on job sites.
The Bondex Trust was established in 2016 as part of the company’s reorganization plan to process and pay out all valid asbestos personal injury claims. If you or a loved one were injured by a Bondex asbestos product, you may be eligible to receive compensation through an asbestos trust fund claim. Contact The Gori Law Firm today to learn more about your rights.
- Bondex is a company that manufactures various construction materials and similar industrial products. Until the 1980s, it used asbestos in many of these products.
- The Bondex Trust was formed in 2016 to compensate past and future victims of asbestos-related diseases caused by exposure to Bondex products.
- If you have developed an asbestos-related disease after being exposed to Bondex’s asbestos products, even if it was decades ago, you may be eligible for compensation through a trust fund claim.
Bondex Asbestos Lawsuits
Bondex International has been involved in many mesothelioma lawsuits over the past 20 years. Most of these cases arose in Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Mississippi, and Texas, and the overwhelming number of lawsuits depleted most of the company’s insurance coverage. However, the company reviewed its liability policies and decided to sue its insurance companies to challenge the ruling that policies had been exhausted. Thus, it is likely that more money will be available to cover the injuries Bondex caused to thousands of workers.
Because Bondex was unable to estimate the liability it owed its victims, the company established a reserve of $140 million to cover known claims, as well as an additional $51.2 million for future claims. If you or a loved one has been injured by Bondex, contact The Gori Law Firm as soon as possible for more information on your rights.
Bondex Asbestos Trust Eligibility Requirements
In order to access funds in an asbestos trust, claimants need to meet a certain set of eligibility requirements regarding their medical condition and the circumstances of their exposure to asbestos. The Bondex Trust Distribution Procedures establish a schedule of eight qualifying asbestos-related diseases, including varying stages of mesothelioma, lung cancer, other cancers, and asbestosis. Any supporting documents for exposure and medical issues should be supplied with the claim at the time of submission in order to receive compensation.
Medical Requirements
According to The Bondex Trust Distribution Procedures, all diagnoses of any disease level must be accompanied by either a statement by the diagnosing physician that at least 10 years have elapsed between the date of first exposure or a history of the claimant’s exposure sufficient to establish a 10-year latency period. Other medical requirements for compensation vary based on the disease in question.
- For disease levels 1-4 (non-malignant asbestos-related disease) – The claimant must provide evidence of a physical examination by the diagnosing physician and evidence of the disease at hand. The evidence required differs for each disease, but can include pathological evidence of asbestosis, pulmonary function testing, and more.
- For disease levels 5-8 (asbestos-related malignancy) – The claimant must provide evidence of a physical examination by the diagnosing physician or a diagnosis by a board-certified pathologist.
Before making any payment to a claimant, the trust must have reasonable confidence that the medical evidence provided is credible and consistent with recognized medical standards. The trust also reserves the right to request additional documentation and testing, including X-rays, CT stans, lab tests, and more.
Exposure Requirements
In general, claimants must demonstrate a minimum exposure to asbestos-containing products for which Bondex has liability. The exposure must have occurred before December 31, 1982, and there must have been between six months and five years of exposure depending on the disease and the circumstances of exposure.
History of Asbestos Use in Bondex Products
Bondex produced a number of asbestos-containing construction materials, largely between the 1960s and 1970s. Though the company stopped using asbestos in their products in the late 20th century, many are still in place in older buildings that have not been renovated. The asbestos fibers released when these products are disturbed can remain in a person’s lungs for years, and symptoms of an asbestos-related disease may not develop for decades.
Bondex Products Containing Asbestos
Asbestos was commonly used in many Bondex construction and building materials due to its durability. Many of the company’s joint compound, joint cement, and patching products contained asbestos, including:
- Bondex Handy Patch
- Bondex Multi-Patch
- Bondex All Purpose Joint Cement
- Bondex All Purpose Joint Compound
- Bondex Ready Mixed Joint Cement
- Dramex Interior Finish
- Reardon’s All-Purpose Joint Cement
- Reardon’s Ready Mixed Joint Cement
- Reardon’s SX Joint Cement
- Reardon’s SX Topping Cement
- Reardon’s Handy Patch
- SX Joint Cement
Jobs at High Risk of Exposure to Asbestos in Bondex Products
Workers in the construction industry who handled Bondex directly were at the highest risk of exposure, but everyday consumers and other workers on the same job site also faced exposure just by being in the vicinity of someone working with Bondex products. Additionally, workers in exposed positions may have unknowingly exposed their families by bringing asbestos fibers home on their skin, clothes, and hair. Some of the highest-risk occupations for exposure to asbestos-containing Bondex products include:
Don't Wait — File Your Bondex Asbestos Trust Claim Today
If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos from a Bondex product or material, you may be eligible to file a claim with The Bondex Trust to receive compensation for your asbestos-related disease diagnosis. It’s crucial to begin the claims process as soon as possible, and a skilled attorney from The Gori Law Firm can ensure that you file all necessary paperwork on time to maximize your chances of recovery.
The Gori Law Firm was formed in 2008 and has since recovered more than $4 billion in case results for those suffering as a result of asbestos exposure throughout the United States. With over 20 years of experience litigating asbestos exposure claims and over a century of combined legal experience, our team works closely with clients to provide the personal support and resources they need throughout the legal process. If you’ve been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease after exposure to Bondex products, call (618) 659-9833 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.