Armstrong World Industries Asbestos Trust
Compensating victims of asbestos exposure from products of Armstrong World Industries

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Armstrong World Industries is a company from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1860, by Thomas M. Armstrong and John D. Glass. Armstrong began as a manufacturer of cork-board, linoleum and brick. The two men initially delivered their hand-carved bottle corks to their customers by wheelbarrow. From such humble beginnings, the company grew to be the largest cork supplier in the world by 1890.
Armstrong eventually became a multinational corporation selling insulation, ceiling materials, flooring, cabinets, ceramic tile and carpet. For decades, Armstrong used toxic asbestos in its products to make them heat resistant. The result was that the men and women who worked at the Armstrong factory were constantly inhaling asbestos dust. The workers who installed Armstrong products were also exposed to the asbestos, in particular, laborers, insulators, plumbers, carpenters and pipefitters.
As early as the 1920s, physicians recognized that exposure to asbestos caused severe sickness when asbestosis was identified by British medical journals. At the same time, insurance companies in the United States and Canada stopped selling life insurance to asbestos workers.
Moreover, safer substitutes for most asbestos uses were known as early as the 1930s. Nevertheless, Armstrong chose to protect its substantial profit margins rather than discontinue use of the mineral. The company continued to use the toxic substance until 1977.
Furthermore, records revealed during litigation show that Armstrong was processing workmen’s compensation claims for asbestosis as early as 1950. Armstrong only halted its use of asbestos in response to federal regulations.
Armstrong filed for bankruptcy protection in 2000. After six years of restructuring, the company emerged from bankruptcy promising to allocate 30 million shares of stock to a trust fund to compensate victims of asbestos exposure.
If you or a loved one has been injured by Armstrong World Industries, it is important that you contact The Gori Law Firm immediately for more information on your rights.
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