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Mesothelioma lawsuit claims.

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Washington D.C. Asbestos Exposure Sites

Verified Asbestos Exposure Sites In Washington D.C.

Capitol Hill Building in Washington D.C.

Even though we have known about the dangers of asbestos for decades, it may come as a surprise that asbestos exposure continues to be a problem for workers, and mesothelioma diagnoses remain prevalent.

It may be even more surprising to learn that there is a long history of asbestos exposure in Washington, D.C., ground zero for federal legislators and regulatory bodies. That’s the tragic reality, and it remains possible that more sites will be discovered with asbestos in Washington, D.C. in the years to come.

The Gori Law Firm is a nationally recognized mesothelioma litigation law firm that combines a deep team of attorneys who represent clients suffering from mesothelioma in all 50 states.

Below is a list of confirmed sites of asbestos exposure in Washington, D.C. If you or someone you loved worked for these industries and suffering from mesothelioma, we encourage you to contact our office at 618-659-9833 for a free consultation.

This is not an exhaustive list of sites or negligent companies.

* Not an exhaustive list

Washington Capitol Power Plant
Washington Chestnut Properties, Inc.
Washington District Title Co.
Washington Edward Kaplan
Washington Evening Star Newspaper
Washington FAA
Washington George Washington University
Washington George Washington University Hospital
Washington Georgetown University
Washington Hupert H. Humphrey Building (Health and Human Services)
Washington Hunter Jr. Hunter Corley & Morris
Washington James V. Forrestal Building (Department of Energy)
Washington Library of Congress
Washington Lightview Development
Washington Maury Corporation
Washington Navy Yard
Washington P.M.I. (Parking Management, Inc.)
Washington Supreme Court of the United States
Washington Union Station
Washington United States Capitol Complex
Washington VA National Capital Regional Office
Washington Volkswagen Capital Car Limited
Washington White House

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