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Mesothelioma lawsuit claims.

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Mesothelioma and Oil Refinery Workers

Gori Law - Mesothelioma and Oil Refinery Workers

Oil refinery laborers work around flammable liquids, electronics, and pumps that could ignite from the slightest fluid leak or spark. Asbestos was useful for providing watertight seals and insulation in storage tanks, pipes, and distillation equipment to protect petroleum products from excessive heat and sparks. Oil refinery workers exposed to asbestos may develop mesothelioma or other deadly illnesses. Our nationally recognized mesothelioma lawyers help oil refinery workers with mesothelioma recover substantial compensation.

Mesothelioma and Oil Refinery Workers
  • Oil refinery workers experienced significant asbestos exposure on the job.
  • Asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma in oil refinery workers.
  • Oil refinery workers may still be exposed to asbestos on the job today while using old machinery.
  • Oil refinery workers may be entitled to substantial damages from asbestos product manufacturers and distributors that supplied asbestos to their employers.
  • Our caring and experienced mesothelioma lawyers at The Gori Law Firm have recovered over $4 billion in compensation for asbestos-exposure victims, and we are ready to go to work for you.

Mesothelioma Compensation for Oil Refinery Workers Exposed to Asbestos

Compensation for oil refinery workers with mesothelioma may include economic, non-economic, and punitive damages. Economic damages are compensation for the financial costs of mesothelioma, such as medical bills, transportation to the doctor, and lost wages. Non-economic damages are compensation for non-monetary losses caused by this form of cancer, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of companionship.

These damages may be available through a mesothelioma lawsuit against the companies responsible for your asbestos exposure. If the at-fault companies have gone bankrupt, you may be entitled to compensation through an asbestos trust fund claim.

If your loved one has died from mesothelioma, you may be eligible to pursue damages in a mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit or asbestos trust fund claim for their pain and suffering, medical expenses, and funeral costs. You also may be entitled to damages for your family’s losses. Damages vary from state to state, but they may include compensation for the loss of your loved one’s income, loss of parental guidance, and loss of companionship.

If you worked in an oil refinery during military service and contracted mesothelioma, you may be eligible to file a VA claim for monthly disability compensation and VA health care.

Oil refinery

How Were Refinery Workers Exposed to Asbestos?

Oil refining requires laborers to work around hazardous liquids that could create catastrophic explosions if they converge with sparks or flames. Asbestos is resistant to fire, heat, corrosion, and electricity. It can prevent and contain fires and improves the performance of adhesives, paints, and materials used to create watertight seals. It is especially useful in areas subjected to high pressure and extreme temperatures. As a result, oil refinery workers may have experienced occupational asbestos exposure from the following equipment: 

  • Storage tanks
  • Gas condensers and pressure vessels
  • Heat exchangers
  • Towers
  • Reactors
  • Furnaces
  • Boilers
  • Pumps
  • Flanges
  • Valves
  • Pipe insulation
  • Pipeline couplings
  • Electrical wiring
  • Protective gloves and aprons
Asbestos and Oil Refinery Workers

Oil Refinery Workers at the Highest Risk for Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos is dangerous when its microscopic fibers become airborne, which occurs when an asbestos-containing substance or machine part becomes damaged, worn, or disturbed from puncturing, drilling, handling, or frequent use. Once the fibers are released, a worker can inhale or ingest millions of fibers without experiencing any warning signs. The following oil refinery workers may have inhaled millions of asbestos fibers when installing, repairing, maintaining, or using equipment:

Chemical operators

Project engineers

Process engineers



Plant supervisors

Plant operators

Control room operators

Process technicians

Pump system operators







Why Choose the Gori Law Firm for Your Oil Refinery Asbestos Exposure Claim?

Recovering compensation in an oil refinery mesothelioma claim requires knowledge of the oil refining industry, asbestos product suppliers, sources of exposure, and asbestos litigation. You need an attorney with extensive experience handling mesothelioma claims, significant financial resources, and the determination to stand up to large, powerful companies.

Our attorneys have more than 20 years of experience fighting wealthy asbestos product manufacturers. We have investigated numerous asbestos defendants and can often draw from prior-gathered evidence when prosecuting cases. This advantage can save significant time in your case, allowing you to recover your compensation as soon as possible.

Asbestos defendants know our reputation for winning in court and obtaining significant recoveries for our clients, with over $4 billion in successful case results. Thus, asbestos product manufacturers often offer our clients full compensation to settle claims rather than face us in court.

Our entire team will work closely with you so we can provide personalized support and resources. We have found that working together is key to getting you the best possible outcome. We charge nothing to review your case, and when you attend a free case review, we will donate to the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation.

Oil Refinery Workers Exposed to Asbestos

Oil Refinery Workers Exposed to Asbestos May Be Entitled to Compensation

If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness, the company responsible for the asbestos exposure may owe you compensation. We are dedicated to holding wealthy companies accountable and fighting for the maximum compensation available. With our record of over $4 billion in successful mesothelioma settlements and verdicts, our attorneys are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. 

Contact us online or call us today at (618) 659-9833 to schedule your free consultation.

Oil Refinery Worker Asbestos FAQs

Is Asbestos Still a Risk for Oil Refinery Workers?

Yes, oil refinery workers may still be exposed to asbestos on oil rigs and refineries that were constructed before 1980 or use older equipment. Even if you work in a newer facility today, you still risk developing mesothelioma or another deadly illness if you previously worked in an older oil refining facility.

You can generally file a mesothelioma lawsuit for asbestos exposure that occurred decades ago. In fact, most asbestos exposure claims involve exposure that occurred decades back because mesothelioma is a latent disease that takes at least ten years to develop and often much longer.

Your state’s statute of limitations for mesothelioma governs how long you have to file your mesothelioma lawsuit. Generally, you have two to three years from your diagnosis date to file your claim, but this deadline may be shorter or longer in your state. It is important to promptly contact a reputable mesothelioma attorney after your diagnosis to ensure they have time to prepare your case and timely file your lawsuit. We work in all 50 states and can tackle your claim right away.

The companies that manufactured, marketed, and sold asbestos products to your employer are liable for your illness. Our knowledgeable mesothelioma lawyers can determine which manufacturers supplied asbestos to your employer and hold them responsible. If you served in the U.S. military, the military takes some responsibility for your asbestos exposure by providing VA benefits. However, the companies that supplied asbestos for the military are liable.

The payout timeline for a mesothelioma claim can vary from a few months to a few years. We understand how urgent it is for you to receive your compensation and are dedicated to moving your case forward as quickly as possible. The length of time will depend on the defendants’ cooperation, the types of claims you can file, whether your case goes to trial, and the extent of investigation required. If you are entitled to file a trust fund claim or a VA claim, you may recover compensation within a few months.

You will need the following evidence to support your oil refinery mesothelioma claim:

  • A confirmed medical diagnosis of mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness
  • Employment records showing you worked in one or more oil refineries where asbestos was present
  • Sales and inventory records that show the defendants manufactured the asbestos products you were exposed to or sold them to your employer
  • Medical bills related to your mesothelioma treatment
  • Documentation of other financial costs, such as pay stubs or transportation receipts
  • Expert witness testimony about your life expectancy and the pain and suffering mesothelioma will cause
  • Testimony from friends and family members about your life before and after contracting mesothelioma

The above is not an exhaustive list. The required evidence will vary based on your unique case facts. Gathering evidence to support an asbestos exposure claim requires a meticulous approach and hard work. Our caring and experienced mesothelioma attorneys can handle this task for you so you can focus on treatment and spending time with your family.

There is no upfront cost to hire our compassionate and skilled mesothelioma attorneys. Our fee is a percentage of the compensation we recover for you. If we fail to recover compensation, you owe us nothing.

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