Mesothelioma & Ironworkers

If you or a loved one worked in ironworking and now have an asbestos disease, The Gori Law Firm can help. With over 20 years of experience representing asbestos-exposure victims nationwide, our attorneys have recovered over $4 billion for clients. Our mesothelioma attorneys fight for ironworkers to get the justice they deserve.
- Throughout most of the 20th century, Ironworkers often used or worked around asbestos-containing materials on the job, putting them at high risk of developing asbestos-related diseases.
- Ironworkers diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases have legal options to pursue compensation through lawsuits and asbestos trust fund claims.
- The Gori Law Firm has over 20 years of experience helping ironworkers nationwide get compensation for their asbestos-related diseases.
- We have recovered over $4 billion for clients, including millions specifically for ironworkers.
- Our attorneys provide ironworkers with free case reviews and personalized support throughout the process. We will always fight for fair compensation.
Ironworkers perform physically demanding jobs building and maintaining critical infrastructure like bridges, skyscrapers, and factories. Unfortunately, throughout most of the 1900s, many ironworkers were exposed to asbestos on the job, putting them at high risk of developing deadly diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer later in life.
Mesothelioma Compensation for Ironworkers
Ironworkers who have developed mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases have legal options to pursue compensation for their losses and expenses. While nothing can compensate for the suffering and devastation caused by asbestos-related diseases, a damages award can cover medical expenses, reimburse lost wages, and compensate for the effects on victims’ lives, like pain and suffering. In addition, a mesothelioma claim can hold accountable those who put profits over workers’ health.
The main options for ironworkers sickened by asbestos exposure to pursue compensation are the following:
Ironworkers can file mesothelioma personal injury lawsuits against the parties responsible for their asbestos exposure, such as asbestos product manufacturers, suppliers, and property owners. Many companies knew of asbestos risks yet still exposed workers and consumers to the toxic material for profit. In a lawsuit, you can seek recovery of economic damages like medical costs and lost income. You can also seek non-economic damages for the harder-to-value impacts, such as pain and suffering. If your loved one has died from an asbestos-related disease, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit for damages.
Asbestos Trust Funds
Many asbestos companies have gone bankrupt amid the flood of claims against them for asbestos exposure. The courts required that these companies establish asbestos trusts to compensate exposure victims. Trust fund claims are usually faster and easier than lawsuits but pay less than litigation. Our mesothelioma iron worker lawyers can help you file trust fund claims, which you may be able to pursue along with a lawsuit.
Workers’ Compensation
You generally cannot file a lawsuit against your employer for asbestos exposure. However, you may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits from your employer if your asbestos exposure occurred at work. However, workers’ comp only covers medical expenses and a portion of lost wages. You cannot receive damages for pain and suffering.
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Asbestos Exposure Risks for Ironworkers
Ironworkers work hands-on with steel and metal parts, often joining and welding pieces together. Before safety regulations restricted asbestos use, many materials they commonly worked with or around contained asbestos. When inhaled or ingested, asbestos fibers can become embedded in bodily tissue, causing inflammation and cell damage that leads to aggressive cancers like mesothelioma.
Some asbestos-containing products ironworkers frequently worked around include the following:
- Insulation on pipes and boilers
- Fireproofing spray
- Joint compound and cement
- Welding blankets and screens
- Welding rods and arc chutes
- Brake shoes
- Plaster or drywall jointing materials
Which Jobs Have the Highest Risk of Exposure?
The following ironworker jobs have a higher risk for asbestos exposure and mesothelioma:
- Fabricator: Cutting asbestos insulation off materials during fabrication
- Fitter: Handling asbestos insulation, fireproofing, gaskets, valves, and more during fitting
- Rod buster: Exposure from cement asbestos pipes and joint compound when placing rebar
- Erector: Inhaling fibers when erecting steel parts containing asbestos
- Welder: Welding materials with asbestos and wearing asbestos gloves
- Steelworker: Mesothelioma from exposure to insulation, refractory materials, and more in mills
- Assembler: Contact with asbestos thermal seals, gaskets, and insulation during assembly
- Foundry Worker: Asbestos exposure from hot-top insulation
- Family members: Secondary exposure by handling work clothes with asbestos
Why Choose The Gori Law Firm for Your Mesothelioma Claim?
If you or a loved one worked in ironworking and now have mesothelioma or another asbestos disease, choosing the right law firm is essential. At The Gori Law Firm, our asbestos litigation attorneys have the skills and track record ironworkers can trust.
Key reasons to choose our firm include the following:
- We have recovered over $4 billion in settlements and verdicts nationwide.
- We have been litigating mesothelioma and asbestos claims for 20+ years.
- Our lawyers have 100+ years of combined legal experience.
- We have a nationwide reach, representing clients across the U.S.
- We believe teamwork gets the best results, so our entire team works closely with every client to provide personalized support.
- If you allow us to review your case, we will donate to the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation.
Millions Recovered for Ironworkers Exposed to Asbestos on the Job
Our firm has a proven record of obtaining justice and fair compensation for ironworkers harmed by asbestos exposure. Take a look at some of our noteworthy results:
If You’ve Developed an Asbestos-Related Disease from Working as an Ironworker, You Might Be Entitled to Compensation
If you worked with steel, metal, welding, insulation, or construction materials as an ironworker, you may have inhaled or ingested deadly asbestos without knowing it. Asbestos exposure puts you at high risk of developing mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, pleural plaques, and other serious diseases. If you worked as an ironworker and developed an asbestos disease, you might be entitled to significant compensation.
Don’t wait to act—contact the Gori Law Firm for a free case review now. Our experienced attorneys can handle your claim from start to finish, and we will fight tirelessly to help you recover compensation for all your losses. You deserve justice, and we are here to give it our all.
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Ironworker Asbestos Exposure FAQs
Our lawyers deal with asbestos exposure cases daily. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions about ironworker asbestos:
How Can I Prove My Asbestos Exposure Happened on the Job as an Ironworker Employee?
If you worked an ironworking job commonly linked with asbestos-related diseases, you likely have a strong claim that your job exposed you to asbestos. Our attorneys will listen to your story and take it from there. We know what information to gather to build a strong case. We have an extensive proprietary database of sources of asbestos exposure and can use your history to pinpoint specific products, employers, or companies. If you were a union worker, your union may also have critical documentation regarding your work sites and employment history. Bring us what you can, and we’ll get to work obtaining the rest while you focus on your health.
How Long Do I Have to File an Ironworker Asbestos Claim?
The statute of limitations for mesothelioma claims varies by state. These deadlines generally begin to run on the date of diagnosis. If you are pursuing compensation for wrongful death for a loved one who has died from mesothelioma, the statute of limitations generally begins running at the death date. Typically, some states allow just one year to file, while others allow three years from the date of death or diagnosis. Moreover, the deadlines for asbestos trust fund claims also differ by company.
It is critical to file as soon as possible after your diagnosis date to have the best chance for fair compensation. An experienced attorney can help guide you through this process.
Are Family Members of Ironworkers Also at Risk for Asbestos Exposure?
Unfortunately, family members of those who worked with asbestos are at risk for mesothelioma. Even if you never directly worked in a high-risk profession, if you shared a dwelling with someone who did, you are at risk for secondary asbestos exposure, and you are entitled to compensation as well.
How Long Does It Take to Resolve an Ironworker Asbestos Exposure Case?
We know waiting for a payout can be stressful. You likely have mounting bills to pay now. Unfortunately, there is no fixed timeline for an asbestos payout. Some claimants receive compensation in as little as three months, while other cases can take years to litigate. Trust funds usually pay compensation faster than a lawsuit, but the potential for a higher compensation award is higher if you choose the litigation route. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help move the process along and select the best path for you or your loved one.